Making Of Plans: Chapter 1 SUN TZU The Art Of War (How to win CEO)

Forty battles without a loss. 

How to win CEO or SUN TZU Making Of Plans THE ART OF WAR - Chapter 1 in the art of winning without fighting. 

00:00 SUN TZU Making OF Plans THE ART OF WAR

Okay, SUN TZU, The Art Of War, which is said to be the most influential book of strategy in the world. And what I'm going to do is go through the book. It's a penguin book. So if you wanted to follow along, you could also get the penguin book, and you can go to, and get the book if you want to follow along

What I'm going to do -because I'm interested in strategy - is read the book out loud. I'll try and give you an idea of each chapter as we do it, then I'm going to read the book out loud. And today I'm just going to take one chapter, but I think we have to understand that two of the most important elements of the strategy are not included in the book chapters?

The first is the title since to the art of war. That is the story that we want to tell that is the strategy as a story. That's the story we want to tell. And that is like the final point when you're developing strategy is have you got it in a story? And the basic strategy of the art of war, the basic strategy of the art of war is to win without fighting.

01:30 Basic Strategy 

So the basic strategy is to win without fighting. So if you find yourself in a fight, one might say you're not a great general. You're not a great CEO. You know, you're not a great whatever it is, strategy team, because the idea all a strategy according to this is to win without fighting

It's the penguin book. There are many other books around, but I just thought I'd get the most, the simplest. And then I think there are 13 chapters which means I'm going to do 13 videos, at least on SUN TZU, The Art Of War.

02:23 Making Of Plans

And the first chapter is the making of plans. And I'm going to read out from the making of plans and you can apply this to any business that, you know, you can apply this to your own life, or you could apply it to the political climate that we're living in at the moment.

So now I'm going to read it out.  And I'm sort of treating it as a poetry so that you get a sense of it rather than a line by line exposition in detail of what did the author mean by that sentence?

So Master Sun said, war is a grave affair of state. It is a place of life and death, a road to survival and extinction; a matter to be pondered carefully.

03:21 Five Fundamentals

There are five fundamentals for this deliberation, for the making of comparisons and the assessing of conditions. The way, heaven, earth, command, discipline.

1. The way causes men to be of one mind with their rulers to live or die with them and never to; waiver.

2. Heaven is ying and yang, cold and hot, the cycle of seasons.

3. Earth is height and depth, distance and proximity, ease and danger, open and confined ground, life and death.

4. Command is wisdom, integrity, compassion, courage, severity.

5. Discipline is organization, chain of command, control of expenditure.

Every commander is aware of these five fundamentals. He who grasps them wins. He who fails to grasp them, loses for this deliberation, for the making of comparisons and the assessing of conditions. Discover which ruler has the way, which general has the ability, which side has heaven and earth, on which side is discipline more effective? Which army is the stronger, whose officers and men are better trained? In which army, are rewards and punishments clearest?

From these can be known victory and defeat.

Heed my plan, employee me and victory is surely yours. I will stay.  Do not heed my plan and even if you did employ me, you would surely be defeated. I will depart. I will depart.

Settle on the best plan, exploit the dynamic within, develop it without, follow the advantage and master opportunity. This is the dynamic.

The way of war is a way of deception. When able feign inability. When deploying troops appear not to be. When near appear far, when far appear near. Lure with bait, strike with chaos. If the enemy is full, be prepared. If strong, avoid him. If he is angry, disconcert him. If he is weak, stir him to pride. If he is relaxed, harry him.  If his men are harmonious, split them. Attack where he is unprepared, appear where you are unexpected.

07:09 Victory

This is victory in warfare.  It cannot be divulged in advance. Victory belongs to the side that scores most in the temple calculations before battle. Defeat belongs to the side that scores least in the temple calculations before battle. Most spells victory. Least spells defeat, non-surer defeat.

I see it in this way and the outcome is apparent.

So that's chapter one, SUN TZU, The Art Of War, the most influential book of strategy in the world, according to the cover here.

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