What do you do?

Joe will follow your path, listen to your dream, uncover your passion and discover where this is not manifesting and what is causing the blockage.

Then, with precision and expertise, show you the way forward.

This is a journey. Its results can be unlimited, and you can go as far as you wish.

How Do You Work?

We inquire about what you want, what stops you from achieving it, and how to resolve it.

Inquiries are subjective processes, but we use financial statements - P&L, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flows - to measure progress and the value created.

Clarity is a prerequisite for creating long-term business value.  You can transform your performance through your clarity.

Who Do You Work With?

Are you a start-up? - We will give you the clarity and confidence to start your journey.

Are you and your business floundering? We will show the way through.

Are you ready for expansion? - We will advise how and what you need to make that jump.

Are you an established business that has grown tired and is falling flat? – We have answers.

And, if you have key staff issues, we will help you to find the right person for the right job.

What is expected of me?

The main thing is to turn up and be truthful.  We provide the structure, questions, tools and techniques that lead you to a solution.  

Why should I use you?

Our methods encourage clarity and accuracy, which save you time and money. We also help you build long-term business value, reduce risk and realise your hopes and ambitions.

How do you measure results?

Income statement, cash flow, balance sheet, and monthly management reports track progress.

Do you make recommendations?

We often say that our opinion does not count as we are developing your capabilities and decision-making capacity – we are helping you to clarify your thinking, transform your performance.

You will hear an opinion for counterpoint, provocation or emphasis.  But, our job is to find out what you want and help you to get it.

What experience do you have in our industry?

You have experience in your industry.

We specialise in strategy and working with the CEO, business owner, or investor to produce long-term business value.

Do you work with start-ups?

Yes, we do.  

Do you work with corporates?

Yes, we do.  Our strategy process and deliverables match the rigour of executive requirements and provide a platform for long-term sustainable business value.

Do you work with individuals?

Yes, we do – primarily with the CEO, as strategy is a core part of their job brief.

How do you contract?

Our contracts protect you as the client, and our IP. We use confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements alongside terms and conditions, agreed with you.

How do you price the job?

You have options.  Arrangements include flat fee rates, commission, bonus, and equity.

What are your payment terms?

Staged payments in advance, except for performance-related elements.  

Why advance payments?  Because we offer an intangible service which cannot be reclaimed once consumed.

Do you have any other questions that we can help with?

Contact joseph@zeteticmind.com or call +44 7887 513369; he will be pleased to help.

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+44 (0) 7887 513369
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